Gardens (Copy) · Haddon Hall

Discover the history of the garden, and how it turned into magnificent Tudor walled gardens.

The Gardens

A medieval castle with the framework of a seventeenth century garden, of which there are few in England.

The beautiful gardens at Haddon Hall today are due mainly to the passion of Her Grace the 9th Duchess of Rutland. When the 9th Duchess of Rutland arrived at Haddon Hall with her husband at the beginning of the 20th century, she encountered a garden overgrown and uncared for. Yew trees were planted as well as herbaceous borders; climbing ivy was stripped from balustrades and climbing roses planted in their place. Haddon Hall is believed to have one of the most romantic gardens in Britain, the terraced rose gardens are glorious. Roses, clematis and delphiniums soften the harshness of the great stone buttresses and ancient walls of the house itself. There is full access to the Gardens every open day, subject to the weather. The Fountain Terrace was replanted in 2011 by designer Arne Maynard.

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Arne Maynard

